
Showing posts from July, 2020

Should girls “Stay In The Castle”?

Should Girls 'Stay In The Castle"? by Jennifer Moodie 7/23/2020      Any woman who grew up in a Fundamental Independent Baptist church in the 2000's, has most likely heard of or read the popular little book, Stay In The Castle , published by Sword of the Lord ministries. On the surface, it sounds like a harmless book that advocates for purity and waiting for the man that is God's perfect will. Which we would think is a good thing, correct?  Ummmm.... almost, but not quite.  This book is actually quite problematic on a few levels.  First, let me start by saying that it is absolutely right to wait until marriage for sexual intimacy.  1 Thessalonians 4:3 states, "For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from all sexual immorality." So the book's desire to teach that one waits until marriage for sex is right and Biblical.       Now, please allow me to give a quick synopsis of the book for those who are either unfamiliar or need a ref