
Showing posts from August, 2022

Just Give Me Jesus (part 2)

by Jennifer Moodie 8/12/2022  Jesus Over Gender Roles Books and articles on the topic of men and women or marriage almost exclusively discuss authority/leading/masculinity for men and submission/femininity for women. The gospel isn’t framed as being enough , we need to push roles as well. Because the fruit of the spirit apparently need to be explained in a gendered manner so we don’t have men who are too meek and women who are not meek enough. The Holy Spirit working in each of us isn’t enough, we need to push our ideology to make sure we are in line with…the Bible…the Spirit....or.....? We can’t really rely on God and the Holy Spirit to work without also making sure He is using us to tell you how to live.  It is just another brand of legalism. Biblical Manhood and Womanhood is legalism rebranded.  How can we simultaneously have men seemingly unable to control their thoughts and need women to cover their bodies to keep them from lusting, who need sex regularly to keep from affairs and

Just Give Me Jesus (Part 1)

By Jennifer Moodie 8/11/2022 “Men lead! Men sacrifice! Provide and protect! Be more masculine” This is the average content of books and blogs and podcasts aimed toward men.  At night when my son won’t stop jumping in his bed and getting up, I don’t need a protector or provider, I need a partner. A helper. My husband working to have money for bills is simply being a functioning adult. It doesn’t make him more of a provider than a single man working to pay the bills.  Protect…? Expound in what it means to protect because I am home alone with 4 kids for 9 hours of the day. He can’t be with me 24/7. I know many mean protect in terms of spiritually, but I have to learn discernment for myself as well and not rely on my husband to tell me what and how to think.  What I DO need is a husband who can come along side me and help in the kitchen, take care of our children, help with homework, understand when I have had a hard day and tell me to take some time alone, hug me and listen to me when I a

Through The Looking Glass

by Jennifer Moodie 8/3/2022 I stood before a mirror looking in.  It was dimly lit and hard to see.  I saw what little I could of my reflection and cringed. What stared back at me made me ashamed.  I dropped my gaze for it was too much to bear. The girl I saw was messy. Angry. Timid. Insomnia plagued her, causing hallucinations. Seeing things that were not there,  But being unable to clearly see what was. She was dirty, bruised, guilty, and unloved.  Unwanted, worthless, shameful and ugly, It made me ask, “How could anyone desire someone like me? Someone who sins more than I can bear, Who does what I know I shouldn’t,  And doesn’t do what I know I should?  A woman who has worked so hard to be good,  But whose efforts proved to be of no value.  Could God ever love me if I keep falling short?  Or do I just keep trying…or maybe stop?”  Despair was her best friend along with fear- Fear of not being genuine, of not being sincere.  “I think I have repented, but I am not s