
Showing posts from 2021

Marriages Need The Gospel, Too

If you have been FB friends or “real life” friends with me for any length of time, or have read my blog, you will know that I am an open book. I share my struggles and heartaches as well as my joys and triumphs.  But one thing I share about very often is my marriage. I have shared publicly and privately about how and why my marriage started, the abuse I endured, our open marriage, and how God changed my husband and in turn softened my heart to Him, and how God redeemed my marriage. (If you haven’t read that, you can here )  I talk about abuse in marriage and church on a regular basis. I discuss purity culture and the harm it brings. I have also disclosed how hard healing has been and some of the things that God has brought into my life to help me with that process. I have shared the quite miraculous and positive changes in my husband and our marriage over the years.  As I write this, we have approached our 14th wedding anniversary. Fourteen years. Wow. With each passing year, several t