
Showing posts from March, 2023

Does God See Our Sin, Our Works, Or His Son When He Looks At Us?

  "We receive the righteousness of God through the ministry of Christ when God imputes his perfect obedience to us by faith alone." ~J.V. Fesko Imputation   I truly believe that understanding (or not) double imputation will deeply impact our view of God, how we think He sees us, and how we see and treat others.  You may ask, what is double imputation, or imputed righteousness?  “God imputes Adam’s sin to all people, the sins of the redeemed to Christ, and Christ’s righteousness to the redeemed, to those who are in Christ. “ J.V. Fesko  The Doctrine of Imputation - The Gospel Coalition “It’s not enough merely to have our sins forgiven; we need the positive merit of Christ reckoned to our account if we are to be declared just before a holy God.” “Justification is not only the non-imputation of sin but the imputation of righteousness. It’s not enough merely to have our sins forgiven; we need the positive merit of Christ reckoned to our account if we are to be declared just befo

A Rotten Foundation-Why *That Article Shouldn’t Have Surprised Us

*Content warning for explicit language in this post* “Equal but different” is most often followed by a non sequitur.  At least in the ways I have seen it used.  To say we are equal but then go on to describe our differences in ways that mean we aren’t actually equal, is to then invalidate the phrase “equal but different”.  It really is ok to say we are equal without then following it up with “but….…” Yes, God made men and women different, and we are not the same. But our physical differences aside, we are equally the image of God, given the command to rule over the earth, equally sinners (and I cannot be convinced that there are pink and blue sins….), equally in need of redemption and God’s grace, and equally coheirs of the kingdom, and (*gasp*) equally sexual beings. Men can nurture and women can provide, women lust and men can gossip. Our differences are truly not all based on our gender but on our unique, God given personalities. The Bible doesn’t spend time really discussing our di