“Will You Listen?”

 So many-in fact the majority of- social media interactions I have seen on the topics of gender equality in marriage and abuse:

Woman: I believe in equality. 

Man: No. Rebellious feminist! (Insert many Bible references out of context)

Woman: I have been abused. These are the implications of this teaching.

Man: Because you didn’t submit and are rebellious.

Woman: I just want to be treated as an equal.

Man: No can do because…Bible… (again out of context). I get to rule over you and if you don’t like it you are rebellious and an evil feminist and hate God and His word.

Woman: But the Bible says _______. What about these passages? 

Man: {ignores the passages and once again lists the same 4 verses without commentary} 

Woman: Once again, what about _____ passages? And ____ examples? And my experience and that of my children and others I know and love?

Man: There is no abuse, there is only insubordination and rebellion. Stop your slander and feminist victim mentality.  {starts name calling and using demeaning language telling woman to go back to the kitchen, sit and shut up}

Woman: I just want to be heard and acknowledged and understood. I and my sisters in Christ are hurting deeply.

Man: {continues tantrum, running with hands on ears screaming incoherently… you can barely make out “1Tim. 2:12” and something about not learning from a woman} 

Other men and women join in and all begin gaslighting and demeaning woman. 

Repeat into infinity.


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